Master both front-end and back-end development with Full Stack Development.

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  • 2 to 3 Months
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A Full Stack Developer is a versatile professional who possesses expertise in both frontend and backend technologies, enabling them to work on all aspects of web application development. They are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining web applications, ensuring they function smoothly and provide a seamless user experience.


  • Programming Skills: Proficiency in programming languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP is essential.
  • Frontend Development: Knowledge of frontend technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  • Backend Development: Familiarity with server-side scripting, databases (SQL and NoSQL), and backend frameworks like Node.js, Express, Django, or Ruby on Rails.
  • Version Control: Experience with version control systems like Git is crucial for collaborative development.
  • Database Management: Understanding of database management systems (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) and how to interact with databases.
  • APIs: Proficiency in working with RESTful and GraphQL APIs.
  • Web Security: Knowledge of web security best practices to protect against common vulnerabilities.
  • Web Servers and Hosting: Familiarity with web server configurations and cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or Heroku.
  • Testing and Debugging: Ability to write tests and debug code effectively.
  • DevOps: Understanding of continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and containerization (e.g., Docker).
  • Problem Solving: Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot issues.
  • Communication: Effective communication skills for collaborating with team members and stakeholders.

What You'll Learn

  • Full Stack Development: You'll learn how to work on both the frontend and backend of web applications.
  • Web Technologies: Mastery of web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and popular frontend libraries/frameworks.
  • Backend Development: Proficiency in server-side programming, including creating APIs and handling database interactions.
  • Database Management: Understanding how to design, query, and manage databases efficiently.
  • Version Control: Effective use of version control systems like Git for tracking changes in code.
  • Security Practices: Implementing security measures to protect web applications from threats.
  • Deployment: Learning how to deploy applications to production servers or cloud platforms.
  • Optimization: Techniques for optimizing web application performance and scalability.
  • Agile Development: Familiarity with agile development methodologies for efficient project management.
  • Module 1: Introduction to Full Stack Development
    • Overview of Full Stack Development
    • Role and Responsibilities of a Full Stack Developer
    • Setting Up Development Environment
    • Version Control with Git and GitHub
  • Module 2: Frontend Development
    • Introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    • Responsive Web Design
    • CSS Frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)
    • JavaScript Fundamentals
    • DOM Manipulation and Events
    • Frontend Frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, or Vue.js)
    • State Management in Frontend Applications
  • Module 3: Backend Development
    • Introduction to Backend Development
    • Server-Side Scripting (e.g., Node.js)
    • Backend Frameworks (e.g., Express.js, Django, Ruby on Rails)
    • Working with Databases (SQL and NoSQL)
    • Building RESTful APIs
    • Authentication and Authorization
    • Error Handling and Middleware
  • Module 4: Databases and Data Storage
    • Relational Databases (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL)
    • NoSQL Databases (e.g., MongoDB)
    • Database Design and Schema
    • Querying and CRUD Operations
    • Data Modeling and Relationships
  • Module 5: Version Control and DevOps
    • Advanced Git Techniques
    • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
    • Containerization (e.g., Docker)
    • Deployment to Cloud Services (e.g., AWS, Azure, Heroku)
    • Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • Module 6: Web Security
    • Common Security Vulnerabilities
    • Authentication Best Practices
    • Authorization and Access Control
    • Securing APIs
    • Web Application Security Testing
  • Module 7: Testing and Debugging
    • Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD)
    • Integration Testing
    • Debugging Techniques
    • Performance Testing
    • Code Quality and Code Review
  • Module 8: Advanced Topics
    • Websockets and Real-Time Applications
    • Microservices Architecture
    • Serverless Computing
    • GraphQL
    • Web Performance Optimization
    • Building Scalable Applications
  • Module 9: Project Work
    • Developing a Full-Stack Web Application
    • Group Projects and Collaborative Development
    • Final Project Presentation and Showcase
  • Module 10: Career Development
    • Resume Building and Job Search Strategies
    • Interview Preparation
    • Soft Skills and Communication
    • Freelancing and Remote Work
  • Module 11: Specialization (Optional)
    • Students can choose a specialization in areas like Mobile App Development, Data Science, DevOps, or others.
  • Module 12: Capstone Project
    • Developing a Comprehensive Full-Stack Project
    • Demonstrating Mastery of Skills
  • Module 13: Graduation and Certification
    • Graduation and Certification Ceremony


This course includes:
  • Duration: 2 to 3 Months
  • 2 Real Time Projects
  • Complete course material
  • Certificate of completion
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