Python Programming Fundamentals.

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  • 2 Months
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This comprehensive Python programming course is designed for beginners who want to learn Python from scratch. Whether you are a student, an aspiring developer, or someone who just wants to get started with programming, this course will teach you the fundamentals of Python in a clear and practical way. From basic syntax to advanced concepts, you'll gain a solid understanding of Python and be ready to build your own applications.


  • No prior programming experience is required.
  • A computer with internet access for online resources and coding exercises.
  • Eagerness to learn and a passion for problem-solving.

What You'll Learn:

  • Introduction to Python: Understand the history and basics of the Python programming language.
  • Python Syntax: Learn about variables, data types, operators, and control structures.
  • Functions and Modules: Explore how to create and use functions and modules in Python.
  • Object-Oriented Programming: Understand the principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python.
  • File Handling: Learn how to read from and write to files using Python.
  • Error Handling: Master the concepts of exceptions and error handling in Python.
  • Libraries and Packages: Explore popular Python libraries and packages for various tasks.
  • Web Development Basics: Get an introduction to web development using Python frameworks like Flask or Django.
  • Data Analysis: Learn the basics of data analysis with Python using libraries such as Pandas and NumPy.
  • Introduction to Databases: Understand how Python interacts with databases using SQL and ORM libraries like SQLAlchemy.

By the end of this course, you'll have a strong foundation in Python programming, enabling you to pursue more advanced topics, work on personal projects, or even start a career in software development.

  • Introduction to Python Programming
    Overview of Python Language
    3 question
    30 min
    History and Evolution of Python
    30 min
    Setting Up Python Environment
    12 lectures
    30 min
    First Python Program: Hello, World!
    3 question
    30 min
  • Basic Python Syntax
    Variables and Data Types
    30 min
    Operators and Expressions
    12 lectures
    3 question
    20 min
    Control Structures: Loops and Conditionals
    10 lectures
    6 question
    20 min
    Functions and Scope
  • Advanced Python Concepts
    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    10 lectures
    6 question
    20 min
    Exception Handling and Errors
    12 lectures
    3 question
    30 min
    File Handling: Reading and Writing Files
    30 min
    Modules and Packages
  • Python Libraries and Frameworks
    Introduction to Popular Python Libraries
    12 lectures
    30 min
    Web Development with Flask or Django
    3 question
    30 min
    Data Analysis with Pandas and NumPy
  • Database Interaction with Python
    Working with SQL Databases
    12 lectures
    30 min
    Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) with SQLAlchemy
    3 question
    30 min
    NoSQL Databases and Python
  • Practical Projects and Exercises
    Building Simple Applications
    10 lectures
    25 min
    Problem-Solving Exercises
    8 lectures
    5 question
    20 min
    Mini Projects to Apply Python Concepts
  • Final Project
    Guided Final Project to Apply All Learned Concepts
    15 lectures
    8 question
    35 min
    Project Presentation and Code Review


This course includes:
  • Duration: 2 Months
  • 2 Real Time Projects
  • Complete course material
  • Certificate of completion
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